Probable all christian churches (buildings) and most chapels are dedicated
to patron saints.
E.g. the Basilica Sancti Petri (Saint Peter's Basilica) in Vatican City is
obviously dedicated to Sanctus Petrus (Saint Peter). As in this example, the
patron saint is often part of the common name of a church. But this example
also shows that an automated extraction is almost impossible.

There are also many churches whose common names do not include the patron
saint at all. E.g. is usually
called "Bergkirche" or "Haydnkirche", but the patron saint is "Maria
Heimsuchung". Well, I don't know if a saint named "Maria Heimsuchung" really
existed, but the church is dedicated to her, so it's a patron saint at least
in an abstract sense.

There has been no tagging rules so far. Some churches have
name=<common_name> + alt_name=<patron>, some have it the opposite way, some
have the patron or the common name omitted.

I'd like to suggest a new key for patron saints. Certainly patron_saint=* or
just patron=*. There are some occurrences in Taginfo, although most values
of patron=* do not look like saints.

holy_name=* has also been suggested, but this sounds to me as if the name
were holy. It's actually the saint who is holy.

patronage=* may be ambiguous.

patrociny=* seems to be an extinct word.

What do you think?

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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