As I said earlier, I am also a hobby photographer. The light levels we are
talking about are anyway in a range that old-fashioned hand-held light
meters are useless. Then it's the question of the different metering
methods, plus the changing weather conditions, moon phases and whatever you
can dream up.
Even if it worked: my available time for this should not exceed a small
fraction of my expected life time (in my city only my guess is that we are
talkng about some tens of kilometers of cycle paths that are poorly lit and
would need measurement if we follow this line), For these two reasons
measurement is out for me.

As I said earlier,  I am also a physicist and hate using a scale, expressed
in numbers, if I have no way of defining what each level means. Therefore
guessing the intensity and then putting in a scale 1 ... 10 (to make it
look precise) is out for me.

On the other hand as a cyclist I know very well if the illumination of a
cyclepath at night is none (no lamps at all) or poor or normal or excellent
(or whatever verbal scale you invent). So I will try, at least locally such
an approach. And in order not to upset things I will use the


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