"building=* (according to specific function)" - building tag should rather
describe how it is constructed.
For example warehouse used as place of worship should be tagged as

There is also case 1.5 - building with focus of worship (for example with
altar) and
open space surrounding this building is used as a place of worship together
with building -
for example replicas of the grotto at Lourdes, with building resembling cave
structure. Random photo of one:

Wikipedia lists some: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lourdes_grotto

2015-01-07 0:29 GMT+01:00 Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org>:

> A while ago I had identified the following use-cases / situations,
> which I now extend and my preferred tagging to them.
> Please note that the focus of "amenity=place of worship" should be
> on a ceremonial place, while "landuse=religious" can comprise auxiliary
> structures.
> Case 1
> A building where worshipping ceremonies focus, surrounded by land which
> has a relation
> to the religion, and holds structures that are not used for the act of
> worshipping.
> The building often has architectural significance and stands out as a
> landmark.
> Building: building=mosque, amenity=place_of_worship
> Other buildings: building=* (according to specific function)
> Land: landuse=religious
> Case 2
> Places of worshipping that are not focused on a particular building, the
> ceremony is performed in a spacial manner, potentially in open space.
> Land where the ceremony is performed: amenity=place_of_worship
> If there is land around with auxiliary functions, e.g. as car parks:
> landuse=religious
> That landuse could even hold multiple places_of_worship, as in johnw's
> examples below.
> Case 3
> Land which has a relation to the religion, holding e.g. administrative
> office
> buildings, seminar rooms, etc., but no particular building for worshipping
> ceremonies.
> Land: landuse=religious
> Buildings: building=* (according to specific function)
> Case 4
> Buildings that were erected for worshipping, thus still have the
> architectural significance and landmark character, but are now used for
> secular purposes, such as concert theatres or climbing halls. Some could be
> reactivated for the religious purpose by bringing the altar back.
> Building: building=church, amenity=theatre
> Case 5
> Building that is used for ceremonial worshipping in dense urban
> environment,
> with no dedicated land around, e.g. a church wall-to-wall in a row of
> apartment buildings, thus the primary use of the land is residential:
> Building: building=church, amenity=place_of_worship
> Land around: landuse=residential
> Case 6
> Specific room for worshipping in a residential building,
> with no land around dedicated to the religious purpose:
> Building: building=residential
> Node for the room: amenity=place_of_worship
> Land around: landuse=residential
> johnw wrote on 2015-01-06 23:03:
>> I want landuse=religious to map all the buddhist and shinto temple
>> complexes in Japan. some of them are huge, dotted with individual shrines,
>> temples, sacred waterfalls, and maintained gardens.  even small local
>> temples and shrines usually have more than a few things on their location
>> (a few statures, a bell tower, garden, cemetery, and main temple building).
>> in the past, the shinto and buddhist temples were forced to share ground,
>> so you get shinto stuff next to buddhist stuff in many places (which is why
>> people follow a mix of shinto and buddhist practices in Japan), so it’s
>> nice to have a “this place is religious” landuse, and individual POW for
>> buildings/things that have their own name and religious tag.
>> Shinto is where you get weird stuff, like the married rocks, sacred
>> trees, or the spot with an interesting natural feature that is ”worshipped”
>> - but for the vast majority of the temples and shrines here, they are very
>> similar to a western church grounds in feature party.
>> Javbw
>>  On Jan 7, 2015, at 3:41 AM, SomeoneElse <li...@atownsend.org.uk> wrote:
>>> On 06/01/2015 02:48, John Willis wrote:
>>>> I thought tat was a feature, to actually deprecate the landuse from the
>>>> buildings, so we don't have the similar issue again of a building and area
>>>> rendered the same.
>>> (at the risk of going around in circles) in the Western Christian
>>> tradition, it's usually a building that most of the worshipping takes place
>>> within.  I wouldn't assume that this was the case with all religions,
>>> though - a non-building area may be an actual place of worship (and it may
>>> have buildings in it too).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andy
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