I would consider that a non-issue as you said, for those reasons:

- When it comes to GPS traces on objects that don't move (*), the
  beauty of crowdsourcing is on our side. The collection of
  traces over a longer time creates a cloud of traces which
  form a Gaussian bell curve, in density, over the ground truth.

  Thus a junction of two road traced again and again is still
  a good reference point to calibrate aerial imagery.

- We are getting access to increasingly better geo-referenced
  aerial imagery, thus mapping can now use different sources
  and calibrate between them.

The real issue is that in urban areas, lots of object, mostly
houses in absence of GPS traces, have been mapped with offset
imagery and need to be moved a bit.

But this has no implication on tagging.

(*) emphasis on fixed objects, since our friends from OpenSeaMap
have more difficulties creating such repeatable GPS traces since a
ship has no fixed road it would use again and again.


Rainer Fügenstein wrote on 2014-12-23 17:37:

while we are at it, imagine the following situation:

mapper A, by means of DGPS, MilStd GPS, crystal ball etc., is able to
achieve an accuracy of, say, a few centimeters and uses it to add new
nodes (POIs) to OSM.

some time later, mapper B with his/her ancestors mechanical GPS device
(*), achieving an accuracy of max., say, 15 meters, surveys the same
area, figures out that (by his/her point of view) POIs added by mapper
A are 15 meters off and corrects their location.

what is needed here is some tag, saying "don't touch these
coordinates, they've been surveyed with high(est) accuracy".

I heard this argument from an pipeline expert, noting that marker
surveyed with consumer GPS are (for their standards) way off their
real location.

maybe this is a non-issue after all, if consensus is that consumer
GPS accuracy is sufficient enough.


(*) http://www.kenalder.com/measure/excerpts.htm

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