Razed would be much better for this kind of object (though I am not a big
fan fan of razed, sooner or later completely mundane things without any
kind of recognition are tagged this way).

But at least it is not misrepresenting things.

2014-12-16 22:20 GMT+01:00 Zecke <z...@saeuferleber.de>:
>  "interesting to map dismantled city gates as historic=city_gate"
>>  It is OK to map ruins/remmants, archeological site - but note that
>> completely destroyed objects should NOT be mapped.
>  typically city gates have had such a huge impact on the structure of
> cities that they normally persist even if there is nothing left in physical
> terms. The roads that once passed the gates are still the "arterial" roads,
> the squares are still named after the gates (typically) and the whole area
> often still has that name (e.g. referring here to my birth town Tübingen,
> where everybody would still know "Neckartor" (dismantled 1804), "Lustnauer
> Tor" or "Haagtor" (and 2 others, all of which non-existent physically but
> very existent in daily life/communication, e.g. to set up a place to meet)).
> Actually we recommend to map such objects with the razed: prefix for
> objects that once existed but now there are only barely remnants or even
> indirect indications thereof.
> As long as there is a historical interest in them and there is a slight
> indication of its position we are willing to map them in the historic map.
> Cheers,
> Zecke
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