Semi temporary buildings are usually called portables. Schools I have been to 
in the US will have them in place for several years, though they lack a 
foundation and can be moved away whole or in sections as a truck trailer - 
similar to a mobile home. Although the method is not similar, the office bus I 
wrote about is used in a similar manner. Perhaps building = portable?

> On Dec 16, 2014, at 9:33 PM, fly <> wrote:
> So we are talking about objects which are movable but nearly do not move
> and are used similar to buildings.
> Instead of using key building we could use man_made or even some new one.
> For the fact that these objects are movable we need an additional key
> with perhaps some values.
> To distinguish between self-powered or not might be useful, as well.
> Just, my 2 ct
> fly
>> Am 15.12.2014 um 12:21 schrieb johnw:
>> One of the driving schools I went to is a permanent course laid out on a
>> flood plain ( as is the soccer fields and helipads), but as it is inside
>> a leveed flood canal, they are not allowed to build permanent buildings. 
>> So the driving school uses a bus. It has a desk, a waiting room, and
>> everything.  It has parked in the same spot for years, day in and day
>> out, occasionally moved to higher ground during a typhoon. It is a
>> drivable vehicle.
>> I tagged that bus as a building (and named it “バス” - “bus" in
>> Japanese) - it's where you need to go for the driving school, and it is
>> always there. 
>> - Javbw
>>> On Dec 13, 2014, at 5:33 PM, Pieren <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Perhaps the attribute of 'moveable' or not should be specified in a
>>> separate tag (without significant deconstruction efforts or
>>> foundations because basically all buildings can be moved
>>> theoritically). I also don't see a problem to keep "building" for
>>> permanent structures, floating on water or on wheels (caravan).
>>> Pieren
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