On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 11:29:04AM +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > 2014-11-05 11:03 GMT+01:00 Richard Z. <ricoz....@gmail.com>: > > > > Would is be possible to make natural=coastline usage more clear on > > > place=island wiki page? > > > > or - would it be possible to make coastline work for lakes as well? > > > > > I recall from older discussions that mappers prefer to keep the semantics > clean. If it is a lake, it shouldn't be tagged as "coast" (you could use > "shoreline"?), because a coast implies a sea or an ocean. From a practical > point of view, including big lakes into the coastline extract would be > something useful for many people using a rendering approach similar to that > of carto-osm, but it doesn't necessarily require to twist tagging.
how is that clean, Lake Eerie is a lake, Caspian sea is a sea, Baikal lake... Even worse, some cross-broder water-bodies can be a lake in one language and sea in the other language on the other sea/lake-shore. From a practical pov I would prefer * no distinction at all - or * distinction based on approximate size and complexity Richard _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging