On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Alex Rollin <alex.rol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How do I know/get-notified it was changed?
> Specifically, how would you setup a system to receive notification that the
> object was changed?
> Have you done it?  Do you have some scripts to share?  (Can I please NOT
> have to add a relation?)
> We are talking about many thousands of nodes, btw.

If the ID is a "personal ID", not something used by externals, then
why simply not using the OSM element id itself (node id or way id or
relation id) ?

>- OSM is not an storages for external IDs, the external DB should link to OSM 
>- use wikipedia / wikidata links

Who can decide that wikidata is not an external ID which shouldn't be
stored in OSM ? Why wikidata couldn't link to OSM objects ?


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