I often use the addr:interpolation tag on entrances or buildings. I don't understand some people's objection to this. I don't see any ambiguity: if the addr:interpolation tag is present the addr:housenumber tag represents a range, otherwise it should be interpreted as a single address. As someone who maps addresses regularly I find this a quick and convenient way to do it. All the alternatives are either cumbersome for the mapper, or are hacky, because they involve putting addresses at arbitrary positions within a building.

I find that by far the most time consuming part of surveying house numbers is actually adding the data afterwards and for this reason I think we should be trying to make the tagging quick and straightforward for mappers wherever possible. To me restricting the use of addr:interpolation seems an unnecessary rule that makes things more difficult. Additionally, we should avoid making it unnecessarily complicated for mappers to add useful information. For example, if numbers 20 to 40 on a street are accessed through a particular door, I want to tag that explicitly, because it's useful for routing and accessibility. Advocating tagging that forces me instead to stick the addresses at an arbitrary position within the building outline is unhelpful.

The proposed Node relation mentioned by Janko Mihelic is I think a useful idea for certain situations. For example, I've encountered cases where addresses accessed through a single door have more than one postcode, so can't be accurately represented on a single node. These relations would allow all the addresses to be associated with the entrance. However, I'm not convinced it's a good solution for simpler cases because making mappers create separate nodes for all the numbers in a range and then linking them together with a relation seems over-complicated.

The wiki documentation for using addr:interpolation on single objects has been changed several times. As Dan noted, the current version recommends against it. A few months ago I reinstated an earlier version that recognised and briefly explained this usage, but it was removed by a user who wrote it was ambiguous, but they didn't really explain why they thought it so. I propose adding it again.

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