To summarize:

shop=fish, shop=fishmonger and shop=seafood are not synonyms as fish may
also apply to pet fish and seafood is not covering freshwater fish
shop=winery, shop=wine ("shop=wine is a wine seller, where shop=winery is a
winer maker selling his own production")
shop=delicatessen, shop=deli I am not understanding difference but there is

There were no objections to following changes:
shop=jewellery (139) -> shop=jewelry (13299, documented)
shop=bags (201) -> shop=bag (409, documented)
shop=antique (110) -> shop=antiques (1394, documented)
shop=pets (162) -> shop=pet (5393, documented)
shop=pharmacy (1591) -> amenity=pharmacy (115759, documented)
shop=ice_cream (710, documented but difference between using amenity and
shop keys is not documented) -> amenity=ice_cream (4053)

2014-07-19 0:42 GMT+02:00 Andreas Goss <>:

> Am 7/16/14 23:32 , schrieb Bryan Housel:
>  Oddly we have the mostly standard `craft=brewery`:
>> … but winery tagging is fragmented.
> It was probably created before the craft key got much usage.
> I think there should be shop=wine and craft=winery. If you have a winery
> that sells wine then that should just be an additional key indicating that
> (Is there actually a global key for that? Seems somthing that you could
> apply for a lot of different POIs)
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