Am 23.07.2014 06:21, schrieb Andreas Labres:
> Here is a comparison:
> And let me add, things and terms here in Austria differ from Germany:
> On 23.07.14 01:48, Andreas Goss wrote: [for Germany]
>> - Kinderkrippe (under 3 years)
>> - Kindergarten (3 to 6 years)
>> - KiTa/Kindertagesstätte (extension of either one or combination) 
> In Austria all this is handled by the amenity "Kindergarten". There is one
> further type (decreasing), the "Hort". Those typically are combined with the
> Kindergarten and add after school care for children >=6. Those are decreasing 
> as
> the "Nachmittagsbetreuung" in the "Volksschule" (6-10, = Grundschule) is 
> expanded.

Yeah, "Hort" might be an own amenity for Kids after school/kindergarten
in the afternoon but it can also be connected to a kindergarten. At
least the mixed ones I know are not named kindergarten, though.

At least in southern Germany there seems to be not much differences
about the different types but here "Horts" are not decreasing, so far.

cu fly

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