We don’t disagree that routes can change. But the point is that a route
relation connecting two different networks (especially true, I believe, for the
cycle node networks) is unlikely to change unless the network nodes change (and
that does not happen much).
What does happen is that the actual route (which is in the route relation
defining the roads and paths between the two nodes) may change for reasons you
My point is simply that the number of connection routes between networks is
relatively small and of those the number likely to change is very small indeed.
(Note that changes to the actual roads used is irrelevant; those changes are
found in the route relation, which is not what we are talking about here. This
is about the “super-relation” for all the routes in a network.)
(I realise you grasp this, Marc. but not everyone reading this is familiar with
cycle node networks (or walking node networks) I fear, from the responses so
From: Marc Gemis
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 10:11 PM
To: Frank Little ; Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] "Relations are not categories" excepted for
"type=network" ?
O, did you ever walked along a walking network ? :-) The one in my
neighbourhood (Rivierenland) changes almost yearly: farmers that decide that a
route can no longer pass over their land, new paths are opened, and sometimes,
nodes are just moved a few meters for whatever reason.
The network Kempense Netevallei has many nodes with only 2 routes. It's obvious
that new routes will be added as soon as the paths are opened to the public.
Perhaps, after the governments bought the ground form the current landowners.
I've heard that several changes where planned for the cycling networks in
Flanders. Probably because new cycle path where constructed or due to new road
So both the routes and the collection of route (== the network) changes.
I've said several times on the Belgian mailing list that one should revisit all
networks again every year, just to keep them up to date. BTW, the maps of
Rivierenland that could be bought from the tourist office used the old nodes
for several years. Some websites that use the "official" information from the
Flemish tourist office had the same problem. Only OSM was up-to-date :-)
BTW, I'm not asking for retagging. I just pointed out that it could be done.
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