All arguments are on the table. Nothing new here but a recent change in the
wiki removed what was accepted as a compromise in april.
There is not conceptual mistake to say it's a cul-de-sac on the node or on
the way. Providing the information to QA tools or other contributors on the
last way or on the last node is equal. And please read again the comment
from Frederik Ramm:

I don't understand why some people are not accepting simple things and
facts : we have currently 198.000 noexit on nodes and 119.000 on ways. So
I'm not the only one who think differently than you and enforcing that on
the wiki is really offending the intelligence of these contributors.
And even if you fiddle the wiki, you will not enforce contributors to use
the tag on ways. What will be you next step ? delete the tag in all ways ?
And what will be next ? delete all "oneway=no" because it's useless most of
the time ?


To André, I did not reply to your last message in our private conversation
because I was simply not able to understand your arguments, even with my
best efforts.
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