Interesting. So it is in fact a rendered-related issue. Since you've
pointed out exactly where the problem is in the code, wouldn't it be
better to just submit a fix and standardize the mapping practice on
capital=[lowest admin_level of related boundary relations]? AFAIK this
should only affect rendering programs (not routing nor indexing).

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 6:31 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer
<> wrote:
> 2014-05-15 2:51 GMT+02:00 Fernando Trebien <>:
>> And some of these relations (though far from the top of the list) are
>> not assigned an admin_centre role, even though the node exists.
> btw.: The current definition for administrative relations says that
> admin_centre should be used one or no time in the relation, but what if
> there is more than one admin_centre, e.g. entities where the administration
> is split over 2 (or maybe more) places? My suggestion would be to change
> this part of the relation definition in order to allow special cases:
>> It seems that German capitals follow the pattern capital=[lowest
>> admin_level of relations in which the city is admin_centre], except
>> Berlin.
> because Berlin has the capital=yes (because of current mapnik rules
> capital=yes should be preferred over capital=2, as the style sheet only
> takes account of capital=yes or not yes:
> ).
> cheers,
> Martin
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