You are right, since these streets are rare, there is no need to add the
value "inverted".

With a tag that has been used on 4 countries and 14 highways, it's a bit
> too early to analyse mappers' interest imo.
Actually, it's not early, this tag was documented since early 2012.
But let's hope this lack of interest can change now.

Ok, I have officially extended this tag's use on highways.
Please review:

One question:
I am using the following template on this wiki page to show one example:
<map lat="-26.30884" lon="-48.84413" z="17" w="350" h="100" format="jpeg"
However I want to use Mapnik's zoom level 19.
But the wiki won't let me have zoom levels bigger than 17.
I believe this template was not updated to know Mapnik support bigger zoom
Does someone knows how to fix this?


2014-03-22 11:24 GMT-03:00 Tobias Knerr <>:

> On 22.03.2014 14:30, John Packer:
> > I think having only one value (driving_side=opposite (or inverted))
> > would be better to tag highways.
> > It is a little shameful to admit it, but sometimes I confuse left and
> > right; so by restricting this tag's values there wouldn't be any
> > confusion, and restrict it's use only to highways that actually need
> > them (besides making it simpler to use).
> It's not only highways that need them. That would tell an application
> about the exceptions, but how is it supposed to know the default driving
> side for a country if it isn't tagged?
> Of course the application could consult an external database, but by
> that reasoning, countries (and cities) wouldn't need population tags,
> translated names, ISO-Codes, currency tags and so on either.
> Nevertheless, some people like to map all that and we have keys for
> these purposes.
> That using these values poses a problem for people who confuse left and
> right is unfortunate, but with those inverted highways being really
> rare, I think looking at a labelled left/right arrow before tagging it
> would be a feasible workaround?
> > This tag never went through a formal proposal process, and have very few
> > uses, so I think there is no impediment for changing it's use.
> Changing it wouldn't be a problem, which is why I support adding
> highways as a use case. I just don't think changing the values would be
> an improvement.
> > Of course, another option is to restrict /left/right/ values to
> > countries and the /inverted/ value to highways, but if there is no
> > interest to applying this tag to the countries, then it might as well be
> > restricted to highways.
> With a tag that has been used on 4 countries and 14 highways, it's a bit
> too early to analyse mappers' interest imo.
> Tobias
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