Here's my take from an Englishman!

While the term dirt road is used here, it is much rarer as all public (adopted) roads in the UK are paved in some way shape or form. Most dirt roads are probably private roads, farm tracks or paths.

Now, back to the original question. I totally agree with Fernando, these classifications are confusing. In English English they pretty well mean the same thing. We should look to rationalise them.

However, remember the surface tag is used elsewhere other than roads/tracks where there may be some distinction, although I can't imagine what the distinction may be.

In general English usage there meanings rely on context but in this context of describing a base surface to something I would go with dirt to mean a loose surface, unpaved, water permeable, degradable surface. Ground and earth are just too vague to be of any use.


On 13/03/2014 08:57, Dave Swarthout wrote:
I'll weigh in with the common American conception of "dirt road". It is a general term meaning unpaved. As Jaakko correctly pints out, some "dirt roads" are really quite well built. For an example close to my Alaska home, the long lonely road leading to the Prudhoe Bay oilfields, see these images of the Dalton Highway:

In my neighborhood of Homer, Alaska, indeed in most of rural Alaska, residential roads are generally unpaved. Due to the severe winter conditions, paving roads in Alaska is very expensive and once paved they require frequent, expensive maintenance. I tag them as surface=gravel to agree with OSM definitions but in everyday conversations they're called dirt roads.

To construct such a road involves removing all the topsoil above the frost line, piling truckloads of gravel base over the subsoil, putting down a layer of geo-textile fabric to keep the road base stable during spring "breakup", and then putting more truckloads of a specially formulated mixture of clay, gravel and sand on top and grading it smooth. Once the highway is open for use, this grading process is repeated several times during each "summer season" as rain and traffic regularly pound potholes into it. The best time to drive on these roads is in winter after the first snow has hardened into a smooth layer --- no potholes, no dust, smooth running.

As for "earth" or "ground" --- I've never encountered those terms as descriptions of road surfaces. Many dirt roads in the United States are not as good as those in Alaska because of the expense involved and because winters are so much less severe. They are really just dirt --- an unpaved track whose composition is a mix of clay and sand and gravel, whatever is there to begin with plus some topping to make it less slippery in rain.



On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 12:05 PM, Jaakko < <>> wrote:

    My (non-native) English understanding / ear says that dirt is a
    general name for all unpaved roads. This may include any loose
    material, really ranging from soil that just happened to be there
    to natural or processed sand to industrially produced gravel,
    possibly with an added layer of "loose" material spread on top of
    the gravel to make it less loose (eg rock ash). So, as far as I
    classify / understand, dirt roads _may_ be quite well built.

    Now, earth and ground both give me a strong connotation of a road
    (or a borderline track) that is practically not built. Or at least
    the surface material is not processed sand or gravel and certainly
    it doesn't have a "finishing layer" such as rock ash.
    This said I would also consider earth=ground surfaced roads as
    being clearly more prone to bad condition after rains (or melted
    snow, etc).

    So, I would say that earth and ground are synonyms but dirt is the
    broader concept. In fact I would see dirt pretty much synonymous
    to unpaved - but would hesitate to nuke one of those over another
    as I would not be surprised if a bunch of people would see this

    How do others here understand these terms?

    .. Whose family's summer cottage in Finland has a pretty well
    self-constructed 1.5km strip of dirt road leading to it with sand
    base, gravel top, rock ash finishing layer.

    Sent from my Android device. * +505-8845-3391
    <tel:%2B505-8845-3391> *


    There are 3 values for surface (ground, dirt and earth) that are
    described as "probably equivalent" in the wiki. The pictures tell a
    slightly different story: ground seems to allow the presence of
    "grass" along with "usage marks" (car or pedestrian tracks), as does
    earth, whereas dirt seems to include no grass and include the
    possibility of "mud" after rainfall.

    TagInfo shows that "earth" is significantly less used than the other
    two. Could we officially recommend against that value then? Having so
    many equal things makes translation (and teaching) much harder than
    necessary, and I don't see when an application would differentiate
    between these values.

    I tried searching for their definitions in English dictionaries, but
    they point to each other as synonyms. "Earth" is sometimes cited as a
    "poetic description" of soil. "Ground" could describe anything from
    "soil" to harder surfaces. I believe the most accurate description
    would actually be something along the lines of "bare soil" (confirmed
    by comparing results in Google Images).

    Fernando Trebien
    +55 (51) 9962-5409 <tel:%2B55%20%2851%29%209962-5409>

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    "The speed of software halves every 18 months." (Gates' law)

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