On 06.03.2014 19:12, Stephan Knauss wrote:
> Robin `ypid` Schneider writes:
>> I mean the correction
>> '0930-0630' -> '09:30-06:30'*
>> seams quite straight forward and I guess if someone aware of the wiki
>> page about
>> opening_hours will find such a value he/she will change it by hand
>> anyway.
>> I assume that this will improve the data quality and will not lead to
>> opposite.
>> * value unlikely for this facility: added fixme node:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2600853055/history
> This is a perfect example of a change which should *NOT* be automated.
> with the "0930-0630" syntax it's easy to highlight on a quality check
> tool as the syntax is wrong.
> By checking the syntax a human would likely notice that the opening hour
> might be fine for a fast-food restaurant, but not for a government
> passport office.
> So a human mapper would not only fix the syntax, but also fix the wrong
> usage of a 12 hour time format and write "09:30-18:30", probably even
> noticing it's not open every day and writing "Mo-Fr 09:30-18:30".
> When your bot would have changed it to "09:30-06:30" it's a lot more
> difficult to actually spot this suspicious data.


You could run bots to find these errors and illustrate them but you
should touch the values this way.

Though, I am happy that you did not try to delete "nach vereinbarung" as
some mapper did with my "appointment" but is seems that this should be
added as value.

JOSM Validator already warns about wrong syntax but it does not accept
"appointment" or by "appointment".

cu fly

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