Janko, I think you understood: I posted here because the proposal is widely used, and pretty stable for a long time. It hasn't undergone any voting process whatsoever, but here it is (in km):

"downhill": 24105,
"nordic": 29593,
"aerialway": 16051,
"skitour": 1171,
"sled": 931 ,
"snowshoeing": 356,
"date": "2014-02-25T03:01:02Z"

Settling this as a wiki page instead of a proposal is just recognising this mapping effort. 931 km of sled pistes, mind you !

The page is huge, and there is maybe some change to be made about a few points. Also, other proposals or tags can be found from the winter sports wiki page.
Discussion can then undergo to change a few tags if needed.


On 02/25/2014 10:27 PM, Janko Mihelic' wrote:
I have a few objections about that proposal:

I don't like this way of confining a ski resort. First, landuse=winter_sports here is used to tag a ski resort. That can't be right, because a restaurant can be a part of a ski resort, and it isn't used for winter sports. Second, the areas are going to be arbitrary because ski resorts don't have explicit borders as far as I know.

This value is a bit vague. How are you going to tag aerialway:occupancy of both types of lifts? What if there is a mixed lift with chairs that have 4 seats and chairs that have 2 seats? I have a feeling only relations can tag this right, but maybe there is a better solution.

Other than those, the proposal looks ok to me.


2014-02-25 20:58 GMT+01:00 yvecai <yve...@gmail.com <mailto:yve...@gmail.com>>:

    Is there any objection to move this page out of the Proposed features?

    This is widely used, and the page is stable for long now. From
    time to time some opensnowmap.org <http://opensnowmap.org> users
    feels like they shouldn't use it because of its 'proposal' look on
    the wiki.
    Also, maybe a few changes could be proposed, but it would be
    easier to first settle this wiki page in the 'accepted' ones.

    If there is no objection, and someone knows how to do, please do.

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