On 2014-02-01 10:05, Pee Wee wrote :
> On the Dutch forum
> <http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=394396#p394396>
> there is some discussion on how to tag a common situation.
> It is about a street that has no traffic sign on one end (side A) and
> a C6 sign
> <http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nederlands_verkeersbord_C6.svg> on
> the other end (side B) .  Ofcoarse it is not allowed to enter this
> street by car from side B. If you enter the street by car from side A
> you are allowed to drive all the way. But you are even allowed to
> drive to  (lets say) half way and then return. In other words... this
> is not a oneway street for motorcars. This makes the traffic sign a
> more or less imaginary oneway barrier.
> Let's for simplicity's sake asume the implication of the sign is
> "motorcar=no",  how should this be tagged?

In Belgium, sign C3 and similar means "no entry in both directions"


Sign C1 means one-way


The difference is that the driver facing C1 is told that he can drive
"round the block" to enter the street while that there is no hope to do
so in case of C3.  This sounds very sound.

I think it's a European rule and so, that, from a European perspective,
it's a Road Administration error to place a C3 signal at only one end
and hence that OSM shouldn't try to map signaling errors.

>From a pure logical point of view  "This signs tell you that you cannot
enter this street, but that you may go round the block and that, if
you're lucky enough, you may find no sign there. In that case, you may
come back here through the other end and U-turn right behind this sign
just as if it did not exist.  Good luck." sounds kinda funny.  But maybe
only to me.

On 2014-02-01 17:39, Colin Smale wrote :
> On 2014-02-01 17:30, Masi Master wrote:
>> Normally traffic signs belongs to the road to the next  
>> intersection/crossing.
> That depends on the country - different jurisdictions have different
> conventions. In the UK the sign's effect is often "until further
> notice", i.e. until there is another sign telling you differently. It
> doesn't automatically get nullified at the first side road like it
> does in many countries.
Strange to me again because the reason why the signs *have to* be
repeated is that drivers entering the road at that "next crossing"
wouldn't know them otherwise.  How do the UK drivers know?



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