
I'd like to get some opinions on a mapping/tagging problem I have here.

Usually I would tag an amenity (inside a building) that is enclosed by an
area that is clearly part
of the amenity (like playgrounds around a kindergarten, outdoor area of a
botanical garden) *not* on the building (or even a node inside it) but on
the enclosure of that area.
If not everything inside that area would belong to that amenity, I would
use a site relation instead.

I'd probably double the address tags though to keep a full dataset on both
the amenity and the building,

Now I have the case where two amenities share the same outdoor area. (Both
buildings lie within it and both use it.) So now where to tag the
amenities? I can't mix both tag sets on the outline of the area.
But tagging only the buildings now would leave the area without a tag at
all (except maybe barrier = fence) and without a connection to the amenity.

One solution I can think off is to give some kind of landuse=* tag to the
area and than include it in two different site relations containing the
buildings each. Although I'm not a friend of bogus landuse tags if it's
really not obviously a single usage.

Or, as this is conceptualy the same problem as multiple amenities inside a
building, tag only the buildings and leave the area (maybe as a landuse=*
too) without connection to it as we do with amenity-nodes inside an
otherwise un-tagged building.

Do you have a better solution?

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