It has been a while since I worked in a facility with such a building. But I 
recall it being called a "guard shack" or "guard house". Taginfo has only one 
guard_shack (and one guard_booth) but does have 100 guardhouse entries. The few 
building=guardhouse entries that I looked at via bing imagery do seem to be the 
type of facility being discussed.

And the "modern usage" section on Wikipedia seems to fit:


On Dec 8, 2013, at 8:35 AM, ael wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 08, 2013 at 04:14:33PM +0000, Jonathan wrote:
>> Wikipedia suggests a gatehouse as a medieval construction:
>> building=gatehouse has been used 19 times, but in what context I don't know.
> +1. Agree that it is might be ambiguous. 
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