Hi Egil,

>  So I feel man_made=surveillance is wrong. Also I suspect most surveillance 
> cameras are not public on internet.
> I think amenity=webcam is a good tag. Applies to node.

amenity is definitvely a bad choice. First, we should be careful to tag 
everything with "amenity". Second, an amenity is something you can use/consume 
when you're on the road, e.g. a bar to drink something or a wastebasket to get 
rid of something.

Even if I agree that it's not man_made=surveillance, it's shares some common 
features with it. (Besides, man_made is maybe not an ideal tag for surveillance 
as well, if you look at the other values, it's more some clearly visible 
features that are put into nature.

Maybe directly


would be clearer???


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