2013/11/28 Egil Hjelmeland <pri...@egil-hjelmeland.no>:
> I have to my surprise not been able to find any established practice for
> tagging webcams on internet. I am thinking of cameras that display a place,
> so you can click in to see the weather, snow conditions and such. As a
> service to the public, not to Big Brother. So I feel man_made=surveillance
> is wrong. Also I suspect most surveillance cameras are not public on
> internet.

I would like to (politely :) disagree with your split.
man_made=surveillance seems to be perfect IMHO. The word
"surveillance" may feel big-brotherish, but it is literally what a
webcam does. It seems to me you could come up with some nice tags to
add to the surveillance scheme, such as webcam=public


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