I don't think the distinction in their governance is important for a
map.  There's a slippery slope somewhere where osm becomes wikipedia.
What's important is that there's a hardware store, and the name it is
known by.

I would use franchise.  If you want to make up "weak_franchise" for
stores that are part of Ace but for which this is not really apparent to
the public, that seems ok.

Around me, there are several that are "[townname] Ace Hardware", and you
know you are going to Ace, but that it's locally owned.
There was "Robinson's Ace", where you knew it was Ace, but now it's
"Robinson's True Value" and it's not really different.

I don't like the co-op tag because normally co-op has the connotation
that the user of the store is a co-op member, not that the store is at a
higher level.

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