This distinction (singular for a phrase describing the store, plural for
describing what it sells) is standard usage in the USA. Another example, not
using the words "supply" or "supplies", would be that a grocery sells groceries.
Stephen Hope <> wrote:
> On 23 August 2013 03:29, Ferenc Veres <> wrote:
> >
> > English is not my native language, so I don't know if plural or
> singular
> > is correct for this, or which wording would work best grammatically
> > while also fit in OSM tagging scheme, that recommends plural.
> >
> > medical_supply
> > medical_supplies
> > pet_supply
> > pet_supplies
> >
> > nutrition_supplements
> > nutrition_supplement
> >
> >
> It depends on whether you are talking about the store or what it sells
> A medical supply store (or a medical supplier) sells medical supplies
> A pet supply store sell pet supplies
> etc
> Stephen
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