On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Shu Higashi <higa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> She encountered many barriers as a wheelchair rider at restaurants and
> shops,
> so she decided to take some action for herself.
> She set up a website named "heart barrier free" and started a project.
> http://www.heartbarrierfree.com
> (sorry Japanese only)
> The core concept of this project "heart barrier free" means barriers
> of one's heart. Most poeple do not know how to help a wheelchair
> driver, because we don't see so much wheelchair in Japan driving
> outside. Many wheelchair riders tend to stay at home.
> So, she thought that it is important to tell the owners of
> restaurants or shops how to help wheelchair users and other disabled
> persons.
> She designed a "HEART BARRIER FREE" sticker.
> She teaches to the owners and employees how to treat wheelchair in a
> narrow spcae
> or steps.
> And instead she sells stickers to the shop owners and the owners put
> up the sticker
> somewhere customers can see from outside.
> And now, the number of shops and restaurants with this sticker is
> about one hundred.

In that case I can see what use it has to have it in OSM, but it's not good
to use a generic term like 'sticker', which could mean many more things.
"heartbarrierfree=True" might be an option, but thinking about it a bit
more, what you want to describe is not really that they have the sticker,
but the accessibility to people in wheelchairs and how that is arranged.
Thus I would like to propose "wheelchair=heartbarrierfree" as the tag for

André Engels, andreeng...@gmail.com
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