On 04.06.2013 00:26, François Lacombe wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently improving draft of power transmission refinement proposal
> and a question about underground features can't currently find answer.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Power_transmission_refinement
> I wonder how we can map power lines underground and infrastructure which
> can host them simultaneously.
> The best example is when several power lines are built in a tunnel like
> on this photo :
> http://www.rte-france.com/webapp/100ansparis/img/chapitre3/img14.jpg
> I can create several ways, very close from each other, for all power
> lines we can see and tag them with tunnel=yes but how will I map the
> tunnel ?
> If we only use tunnel=yes on each power line, it's impossible to know if
> they are in the same tunnel or if there is one dedicated tunnel for each.
> I think only a relation would solve the problem and it's not a power
> line dedicated question.
> Do someone have ever encounter that situation ?

Mmh, type=tunnel is already in use [1] but it is used for the whole
tunnel, e.g. to combine several tubes and the infrastucture like escape
ways and air-system.

We could use a tag like tubes= or number_of_tubes= for the relation and
draw the outline.



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