On 03.06.2013 21:33, Jaakko Helleranta.com wrote:
> I think that the OSM wiki
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dschool> is both
> precise and good on the use of amenity=school
>     Use amenity
>     <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:amenity>=*school* to
>     identify a place where pupils, normally between the ages of about 5
>     and 18 are taught under the supervision of teachers. This includes
>     primary and secondary schools.
> Intuitively the "K-12" (primary + secondary schools - often the
> combination of elementary + highschool) are "school" in this sense.
> Pre-school and kindergarten are sometimes called "school" but are part
> of the "school system" in the same way. The primary and (sometimes)
> secondary schools are often also the more or less compulsory schools.
> I think if would be best if the OSM tagging clearly kept amenity=school
> for this (K-12/primary+secondary) and we used other tags for other types
> of schools / "educational places". 
> And this is what the original question was about -- how to tag other
> than K-12 schools? 
> The closest (partial) solution we could find is the proposed
> amenity=trade_school (that has only one (1!) occurrance in the db). I
> added that to
> the http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Education_features page -- and
> we'll be likely using that for the various professional training
> facilities that we run into on the ground in Haiti unless something
> better comes up.
> Related to this: I would personally like to see a very general education
> POI tag that would be good for any and every educational POI that we run
> into, which doesn't have a "dedicated" tag (such as amenity=school,
> =college, =university, =kindergarten, =driving_school, =dojo, =what-not).
> Does anyone else think that such tag would be good -- and if yes do you
> think that amenity=education
> <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/amenity=education> (used
> currently 109 times) could be acceptable for that?

even then all already existing tags could be included within the
education subtags.


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