If the resort is disjoint (not in a single area), relation type=site may come 

----- Reply message -----
De : "Murry McEntire" <murry.mcent...@gmail.com>
PourĀ : <tagging@openstreetmap.org>
Objet : [Tagging] Use of the tag "resort", or what else to tag two areas?
Date : dim., juin 2, 2013 07:00
Need some help with tags for the totality of grounds of 
two sites. Both of these are large areas (many tens of acres) that I 
would like to tag. I do not see what I consider an appropriate tag on 
the Features page of the wiki. The closest commonly used tag in Taginfo 
that sorta fits is leisure=resort (used 298 times). I was hoping for 
something that would be rendered, but will take leisure=resort above 
something less accurate. I will tag individualĀ  use areas in each with 
appropriate tags and include webpage tags, but was looking for how to 
tag each as a whole.

The first is a religious retreat that hosts guests of any 
religion and is run by Christians. It includes lodging, conference 
center, other facilities, and spacious grounds which include gardens, a 
cemetery and historical sites. I am leaning toward tagging this (as a 
whole) with leisure=resort, and maybe religion=christian. I did see an 
abandoned feature landuse=religious which has been used 349 times, but 
the wiki was essentially empty so no discussion as to why it was 
abandoned -- so I feel some discomfort using this tag.

The second is a 5 star destination resort with lodging, spa, 
shops, golf courses, restaurants, and much more. I will tag this as 
leisure=resort unless something better comes up. 

Better suggestions?

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