Hi Phil,

2013/3/14 Phil! Gold <phi...@pobox.com>

> In Maryland, the Dickerson Generating Station, which is privately owned
> and uses coal and oil is directly adjacent to the Montgomery County
> Resource Facility, which is owned by the state and burns trash.
>  OSM:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=39.20497&lon=-77.45533&zoom=15&layers=M
>  Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dickerson_Generating_Station

For this one I would use at least 2 areas to map the DGS with
operator=private_operators_name and a second one to map the MCRF with
I say at least 'cause It can vary with the geography of that place.

> The reverse situation gould, I guess, be illustrated with something like
> Maryland's Chalk Point Generating Station, where there are multiple
> generators some distance away from each other.  It's pretty clear in this
> case, though, that they're all part of the same facility, so I don't know
> how illustrative it might be as an example.
>  OSM:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=38.55211&lon=-76.69028&zoom=15&layers=M
>  Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalk_Point_Generating_Station

The right question is "does the room between generators is owned by the
same company"?
If yes, you can use only one area to map the whole facility because that
kind of area is often private and reserved for some extension.

In France, beside our ~20 nuclear plants EDF (who operates that kind of
plant) is keeping enough room to build extensions of the existing buildings.
That reservation is fenced with the rest of the plant and there's no
separation between the production facility. So plant area would concern the
builded and non-builded zone with operator=EDF.

I hope I'm clear enough :)
I would write something in proposal to explain more precisely the way we
can choose areas around plants.


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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