I suppose the main downside is that it requires a relation. I've not mapped give-way relationships myself, but it would be good to map them, and the node method seems simpler and would involve less database bloat than adding a relation at, basically, every junction. I would think the node method would be sufficient for most junctions, while the relation method could be available for any more complex cases. As far as I can see, with the node method, the important thing to remember is that the give-way node needs to be closer to the intersection node to which it applies than to any other intersection node on the way, which doesn't seem too difficult to achieve. It should perhaps be made clear in the wiki that there is not necessarily an actual Give Way sign: it can be used to represent a give-way line as well.


On 14/03/2013 14:43, Simone Saviolo wrote:
Hi everyone!

I noticed that the proposal for a give_way type relationship [1] has been in draft for nine solid years. It seems a great solution to the current limitations of highway=give_way and highway=stop, also because it reuses a tagging scheme that is widely accepted both by mappers and by consumers for turn restrictions.

I suggest that discussion on this proposal be revived. It should undergo the regular voting process and finally become an approved relation type.

It may also be that it became a de facto standard in the meanwhile. Does somebody know of a router that uses this relation, possibly to provide navigation indications?



[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relations/Proposed/Give_way

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