On Sat, 2013-03-09 at 14:07 -0500, Richard Welty wrote:
> i've started drafting a proposal for some tags to extend the 
> fire_hydrant tagging system.
> i have a question for the non-US mappers...

In the UK, fire hydrants are not the prominent feature they are in the
US and Canada. Here they are metal covers in the road, or pavement. They
are marked by a small sign, which specifies the distance from the sign
to the hydrant. Not something we will find easy to map. I cannot think
of the location of any in my hometown, although they will be there
somewhere. The fire brigade will know exactly where they are.  

Its not something we can easily map completely, bound to miss some. They
certainly does not have the navigational significance it does in North
America where you can describe a house as near the fire hydrant.

Can't help further, although I have heard inches used to specify the
size of a water main.

Phil (trigpoint)

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