I was going to add some text about port terminals to the wiki page - I'll update what I can. There is at least one thing that is incorrect. The data management issues are important, so I'm inclined to update the wiki page to direct people to OpenSeamap as that seems like a more logical place to keep specialized metadata like this and they'd be more inclined to keep the data updated. The UN list does change, so letting dead data sit around in OSM doesn't seem great.

as for LOCODE and locode, it is an acronym and so I tend to capitalize it. but if iata isn't... There are LOCODE / locode / harbour:locode / unlocode tags - what are the general guidelines about cleaning up tag confetti?

On 04/02/2013 16:42, Brad Neuhauser wrote:

Since you're pretty knowledgable about this topic, it'd probably also be good if you could flesh out the harbor:LOCODE page on the wiki (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:harbour:LOCODE). It's part of this big harbour proposal: wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Harbour <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Harbour>

Cheers, Brad

PS--one side question: shouldn't LOCODE be locode (that is, lowercase)? that's how iata and icao are handled for aerodromes...

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 11:47 AM, <doug.fra...@tarisoga.com 
<mailto:doug.fra...@tarisoga.com>> wrote:

    Followup to my post:
    I am here at the London OSM Hack Weekend and spoke to someone who explained 
to me the larger issues and questions
    about importing / updating metadata like LOCODEs that can't be surveyed - 
i.e. data where managing the process of
    keeping it current may be troublesome.
    I agree with everything he explained and so now I don't think updating the 
LOCODEs that are present, etc would be
    the best idea.  Letting the existing tags die off sounds like the best idea.
    But locodes are assigned to harbours and they are surveyable, can be 
verified by the public, all that sort of
    thing.  So the UN list could be used to update or verify that cities have 
appropriate harbour tags associated with
    them.  IIRC, Long Beach (or LA) was one test case I looked at and it didn't 
have a tag that i'd expected.
    So now my idea is to check the harbour tags against the UN data (this could 
also be done for rail stations) and
    then determine how much data is missing and what ought to be improved.
    A related idea is that port terminals (for commercial shipping) are 
becoming prominent features (e.g. they are
    getting their own locodes) and perhaps a new tag harbour:terminal (like 
harbour:pier) could be created for
    handling this data.  Container terminals are physical features and won't 
arbitrarily change, so they aren't
    metadata like LOCODEs.
    If anyone has any feedback, I'd appreciate it.  I don't plan on doing 
anything until I fully understand the
    details of all this, so I can write it all up, etc.

    [Imports] RFC - Adding UN LOCODE tags to OSM writes:

        Hi everyone,
        This is a duplicate of a email I sent to the Tagging list:
        The company I work for deals with shipping ports, UN LOCODEs, and 
shipping schedules - I had hoped to use OSM
        to correlate geographical type info and LOCODEs.  The problem has 
become messier than I ever thought, and
        unfortunately OSM does not have much in the way of LOCODE related data.
        At this point, we have a well maintained list of LOCODEs and other such 
data that I keep track with the UN
        list as it is updated.  So I thought it'd be useful to put all that 
into OSM and clean up the handful of
        LOCODE tags that I have seen in OSM.  This list also includes IATA data 
and some other port type info -
        everything has been gleaned from public data sources like the UN, so 
I'm sure there are no license related
        issues.  I'm also confident of the accuracy since I'm the one 
responsible for maintaining the data.
        I will write up a feature proposal on the wiki to outline the details, 
but first I wanted to see if there were
        any comments or advice people might have.  I do plan to automate the 
updates - none of this is map data per
        se, but just tags, so I assume there won't be any real complications. 
So I will read all about the guidelines
        around automation.
        The questions I had are:
        1) the UN provides geographical coordinates of these LOCODEs, typically 
the city center.  Is there any
        standard that OSM adheres to regarding the location of cities?  Anyone 
have any pointers to info I should read?
        2) alternative place names - the UN provides some data and we have data 
from other sources.  The data is good,
        but is there any consensus on this topic about how OSM ought to operate?
        3) locations/cities not in OSM at all - adding these in is a separate 
task entirely so I will leave that till
        I understand OSM better.  But if someone could point me in the right 
direction, that'd be great.
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