2013/2/4 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>

> 2013/2/4 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
>> if they don't have a common operator and the resort doesn't have a
>> "border" (i.e. it isn't an area but a mixture of areas and routes) you
>> cannot map them? Btw.: the OP is asking for nordic pistes, so there
>> won't necessarily be any lifts.
> Why not "resort=L'Auberson" on all nordic pistes? Yvecai says it's error
> prone, but so are names and operators of banks and atm machines. If you
> want to find errors, use tools like http://overpass-turbo.eu. I have made
> a small script to find all nordic pistes without the tag resort=L'Auberson
> or Les Fourgs or La Seigne or Jougne:
> <http://overpass-turbo.eu/?q=PCEtLQpUaGlzIMSHIGFuIGV4YW1wbGUgT3ZlcnBhc8SIcXXEmXkuxIRyecSJdCBvdcSoYsSmcHJlxJ1pbmcgdGjElVJ1xI1ixKt0b8SNYWJvxJghClnEqiBjxIwgZsSzZCBtb8SwxI7EkMSSxJTEiHdpxLfEtsS4IExvYcWQxL9vbMSjCsWoxII-CjzEu2nFgMWrICA8xJ_EocS2eXBlPSJ3YXkixbHFssWzaMScLWt2IGvFu3DEh3RlOnTFuGUiIHbFu27Fk2RpYyIvxoHFsjzGhHPGhsaIxooixLBzxZN0xpTFkmTGliLGmMarxpXFu0wnQXVixJnGqW7GncafxoPGhcaHxonFu8aoxqrGrG_GrsaXb8ayxq9MxLEgRsSqcmdzxr0KxoLGv8ajx4HGpseEcsayxq3Gr8axxpTHjGEgU2VpZ27Gk8aex5bGgsahx4DGpceDxLHHhcWRx4fHoMeKx6LFu0rEqsepx6vGvjxixYN4LcW1xKUge3vIgW94fX3HrMagL8iFecaBPMSwY3Vyc8SVxpHFucW7xb15LcaYZMe-xawvxa7FsMWoPMSvxLN0xp4&c=BMTyHuuaoO&R>
> Works exactly as long as no piste belongs to more than one resort. If
anyone does, you still need to switch to relations.
I don't know about nordic pistes, but there are definitely lifts for alpine
pistes that are used by visitors of two ski resorts.

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