2013/2/1 Peter Wendorff <wendo...@uni-paderborn.de>

> but on the other hand it's a reasonable preprocessing step to calculate
> these conflicts (sharing nodes between ways having bridge=* and ways having
> the bridge-area-tag => remove the bridge=yes tag for rendering).

I think that's harder than you think. What if you have the next example:


How does the renderer preprocesor know if the middle line is inside the
bridge area? It has to make some difficult calculations for that. And the
blue line is outside, although it shares two nodes with the bridge. (I know
it would rarely happen, but it will happen.)

And I don't know why you guys think black borders on the street over a
bridge look ugly. We have examples:


Which look good to me, and if you zoom out, those black borders are needed


because the street outgrows the bridge area.

Janko Mihelić
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