Hi Doug,

Am 19.01.2013 16:44 schrieb "doug brown" <dougc...@hotmail.com>:
> The tags I used on these features are as follows:
> access = private
> embankment = yes
> highway = unclassified
> man_made = dike
> name = shrimp pond dike
> My reasoning being that all of the dikes have, at a minimum, a footpath
on top of them, with most having a motor vehicle accessible road.  While
they are all private roads, most of them are open to public access and I
frequently ride my bicycle on them.

To me this sounds more like highway=track or highway=service - mainly
depending how similar it is to a 'real road'.

Also I would't use the name-tag here as this is not really a name but more
of an description.

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