On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 5:47 AM, SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk> wrote:
> dies38...@mypacks.net wrote:
>> The waterway segments I collected into the relation are exactly analogous
>> to roadway segments collected into a route relation.  I do not think that
>> the relation I created constitutes a category, really.  --ceyockey
> The main reason why route relations are needed in the US is because a
> particular piece of road can belong to more than one toute.  This isn't true
> everywhere (for example in the UK - routes can disappear and then pop up
> again elsewhere).
> Does your waterway "route" consist of any ways that belong to more than one
> waterway "route"?

Large river tagging is kind of a mess so I'm not quite sure where I
stand on this. But we also use relations to map lakes that are too big
to be mapped with a single way because of the 2,000 node limit. It
seems like rivers are in a similar situation and the use of a relation
does not seem completely out of place. It allows one real world object
to be represented by one object in OSM and reduces duplication of tags
on component ways.



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