2012/11/26 John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com>:
> Philip Barnes <p...@trigpoint.me.uk> wrote:
>>  I would avoid public, when tagging schools as it had very different
>> meanings on each side of the Atlantic.
>> I would suggest state and private.
> Of course, the term "state" will also likely be misunderstood by some
> American mappers, as we use "state" both as a term for governments in
> general (as you are using it here), and also as a term for the entity one
> level down from nation (the state of Tennessee, for example). The latter
> usage is more common.

+1, I agree that the term "state" will be likely source of confusion
also in other countries, because it is used to distinguish between
various levels of public administration, e.g. the municipal or the
regional level.


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