Can we at least slow down the effect?

I just checked with my original problem, a newbie mapper plastering
the map with POIs that contained their name also in the designation=*
He used Potlatch 2.

And now I found it. Potlatch offers a field for 'Official
classification', with a help text that reads:
'The official classification or designation (if any). Only use this if
the organization that runs it has its own classification system.'

This translates to the designation=* tag for things like supermarkets or shops.

Of course the mapper didn't follow that help text, but even if done
so, the tag would still be kind of wrong, at least according to the
wiki page.

There even is a Potlatch ticket for this [1], but it was marked as
closed 2 moths ago by Richard. I've just added a comment their asking
why it is still in there.



2012/10/23 Richard Mann <>:
> Slowly walk away.
> The usage in the UK should be shifted to a new key (maybe something like
> path_type), and the rest probably ignored.
> The choice of name for the key stemmed from access=designated, and (with
> 20:20 hindsight) was a mistake. There are some people who prefer to have
> multi-purpose key names, but this is just a meaningless bucket.
> Richard
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