2012/10/17 Martin Vonwald (imagic) <imagic....@gmail.com>:
> Am 16.10.2012 um 21:30 schrieb Eric SIBERT <courr...@eric.sibert.fr>:
>> Sorry for late answer. There is so much traffic related to lanes on this 
>> mailing list.
>>> I suggest the following rewording which should reflect the initial 
>>> intention:
>>> "Other lanes such as Wikipedia spitsstrooken in the Netherlands or
>>> Wikipedia temporäre Standstreifen in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
>>> which are available to GENERAL traffic (I.E. NOT LIMITED TO A SPECIFIC
>>> KIND OF VEHICLES) at certain restricted times, for example during the
>>> rush hour. "
>> +1.
> I'll update the english, german and russian article accordingly if there are 
> no further objections. (Other translations are welcome to keep the articles 
> consistent).
> Martin

To prevent contradicting statements I want to add at the end of the
aforementioned text the following: "This also applies to lanes which
are usually excluded, e.g. emergency shoulder lanes."


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