On 15 October 2012 20:08, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> I don't understand why emergency vehicles are so important in this
> discussion. In the first place they have wide-ranging exemptions from
> traffic rules, which (let's be honest) we are never going to tag in OSM.
> Secondly they are never going to be relying on OSM data (or indeed any
> normal sat-nav) for lane-precise routing. They are trained to use their eyes
> and brains to make split-second decisions on what is safe and an acceptable
> risk under the circumstances of that moment. Thirdly, they will be about
> 0.0000000001% of the potential users of OSM data - why should we compromise
> "service" to the vast majority of real users for the hypothetical benefit of
> the very few.

To be able to do proper routing for emergency vehicles perhaps it
would be a good idea to introduce something like landuse=highway that
would denote an area suitable for motor vehicles and that is free of
physical obstacles.


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