Dana petak, 14. rujna 2012., korisnik SomeoneElse<
li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk> je napisao:
> Saying that implies that people actually use tags such as these. Taginfo
suggests otherwise:
> shop=bicycle: 13,425
> service:bicycle:repair: 758
> I'm guessing that it's a fair bet that more than 5% of all bike shops do
some sort of repairs - unless the complexity of tags like this are hidden
from users (e.g. by editor support) they won't get used enough to be useful.

There is a rule for tags; if you render it, they will use it. Look at this


Shops with service:bicycle:retail=yes have a shoping cart, repair have a
little tool. Quite usefull, don't you think so?

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