For direction of the benches mapped as ways I would use analogous* rule to cliffs and retaining walls, that is: If you hold the bench with left hand (from the sitting side) you are looking in the same direction as the way. In other words backrest on left side of the way, sitting side on right side of the way.
*Lower retaining walls could actually be used as benches LM_1 2012/8/5 Tobias Knerr <>: > Komяpa wrote: >> >>> PS: Same with amenity=bench [2] >> >> I found linear amenity=bench quite useful for micromappning and 2.5D >> rendering: >> >> > > The particular bench in your example could also be modelled as a node > with direction and width tags. > > Nevertheless, one could argue that long benches like this one > > would best be mapped as ways. > > As far as I know, though, there is no obvious or even documented > convention on what side of the way the backrest would be? > > Tobias > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list