Let's  not forget that this debate was started by naming disputes in Ukraine.
I would vote for option 2 myself, but if that would be found
impossible, I could agree with Tobias.

2012/8/2 Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de>:
> "Petr Morávek [Xificurk]" wrote:
>> Tobias Knerr wrote:
>>> You need to realize, though, that mappers in areas where only one
>>> language is commonly used will not want to put more effort into mapping
>>> names than they do today. And rightly so, imo - from their perspective,
>>> it's just more work for little or no gain.
>> Yes, I agree. This is very strong argument for Option 1 and I'm starting
>> to lean towards this solution.
> Have you considered combining the options?
> For example you could use option 2 with a single additional rule: If
> lang contains only one language code, treat name as name:<lang_value>.
> So if there is only one main language, lang will contain the code for
> that language, and name will contain the name in that language.
> But in multilingual areas, lang contains the codes for all these
> languages as per option 2, and once mappers in those areas trust data
> consumers to construct the labels from several name:xx reliably, they
> can begin omitting the bare name tag.
> Tobias
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