When you search wiki for grass, you get landuse=grass. When you type
grass in JOSM's preset  search box, you get landuse=grass. Potlatch
does not offer any direct way to tag grass. landuse=grass was probably
used before anyone thought about the difference between landuse and
landcover (in osm tagging).
Today's renderers support landuse=gras and do not support landcover=anything.
That being the reasons for landuse=* domination it is hardly enough to
proclaim it the better way.

2012/7/31 Pieren <pier...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Johan Jönsson <joha...@goteborg.cc> wrote:
>> There are several ways to tag landcover with existing tags but if we where to
>> define a new tag for grass along the lines of
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/landcover
> Why ? We have 1.066.000 "landuse=grass" and 756 "landcover=grass". No
> vote required (that's perhaps why the proposed feature never tried
> one).
> Pieren
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