Am 06.06.2012 09:13, schrieb Martin Vonwald:
IMO tagging a mini - no matter how large it is - as a way would be
inconsistent with our way we map (most?) features.
When mapping a
street, we draw the way where one can drive/go. On a normal roundabout
you can not drive in the middle, that's why we map it as circle. We
agreed on junction=roundabout on a node just for the sake of
simplicity, because otherwise people who don't want to draw circles
tag them with mini_roundabout and our data quality suffers.

Contrary on a mini-roundabout you can drive in the middle (ignoring
any legal restrictions now), that's why we don't draw a loop but just
a junction and add the tag highway=mini_roundabout to the junction
node. Drawing it as a loop would be imo inconsistent.

If you want to specify the dimension of the mini-roundabout I think it
would be sufficient to specify the width of the approaching roads.
For highway=pedestrian, at platforms and many other things we allow to add area=yes to a feature to turn a circular way (ring) to a circular area (filled area, polygon). If - and that's in fact more or less the result of the discussions we had in the last days - the difference between mini roundabouts and roundabouts is the traversability of the center part, I would say, mapping a mini roundabout as a way would in theory be sufficient without area=yes, because area=yes would be implied. On the other hand I would propose to add area=yes to avoid confusion both at data consumer side as well as on mapper side (yes, they MEANT it to be a mini roundabout, I guess, because they knew it's an area without obstacle in the middle).



2012/6/6 Stephen Hope<>:
I was away most of last month, and missed most of the discussion of mini and
normal roundabouts.  However, looking at the wiki now, from what I can tell
the differences now are

-Roundabouts can be mapped as a way or node (though way is preferred), mini
roundabouts only as a node
-Roundabouts cannot be traversable, mini-roundabouts must be

So what do I do about a roundabout that has been mapped out as a way, but is
traversable?  This weekend I ran across a couple of new (to me) traversable
roundabouts on a street that used to have normal intersections.  When I
checked to see if they have been updated, they have been mapped as
roundabout ways. However, both these roundabouts are fully traversable, in
fact I saw a bus go across one.  How should this be tagged?  I
don't particularly want to remove the mapped way to tag as a node - if it
wasn't mapped as a way and was a normal capped roundabout I'd probably be
mapping it as a way myself.  Can we use a way marked as mini-roundabout?

Photo of one of these here

Or another idea - since there are many mini-roundabouts tagged that aren't
really, so the tag is quite polluted at this time, and the only big
difference I can see now is if it is traversable or not, maybe we should
ignore mini-roundabout all together, just use roundabout and


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