On Fri, 18 May 2012 16:38:09 Martin Vonwald wrote:
> Do you have any suggestion how to change the presets for
> mini-roundabouts? The term "mini-roundabout" is very misleading so we
> need some very good, crystal clear and short description for it. Any
> idea is very welcomed!

I think the term 'mini-roundabout' is not at all misleading.  It's the name 
given to a very specific thing in the UK.  What we need is clarification in 
the Wiki and maybe language-specific or country specific terms.  For example, 
a list of countries where mini-roundabouts never appear, or a list of common 
mistakes when attempting to identify mini-roundabouts to help people identify 
them properly.  The Wiki page looked good last time I checked.  I will look 
again on Sunday.

Best wishes,


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