Sorry I forgot the image. Here it is:

> The idea itself is good, it could secure more consistent tagging and
> easier automatic processing of data.
> In the proposal it says:
>  "If you have one way making up the line string ring and it does not
> describe something in its own right, you may also put these tags on
> the relation and leave the relation untagged." - that does not really
> make sense to create such relation (one way tagged relation would make
> splitting the way easier).
> "The order of the relation members does not matter (but properly
> sorted member lists can help human editors to verify completeness)." -
> I believe it should be always sorted, yet routers/renderers should not
> rely on it.
> How would it be used in this situation?: border of two countries (A,
> B) is also border of lower administrative divisions (AC, AD in country
> A and BE,BF in country B). going along the border you go through
> different combinations (A-B all the way; AC-BE->AD-BE->AD-BF; see
> image). In reality there would be more than two levels and therefore
> much more combinations.
> How would it solve the case of river bifurcation if the river merges
> together (river island, the same river flows on both sides)?
> How would it solve similar case of streets (lanes for different
> directions split for some time and later merge together)?
> Thanks for answering these questions
> Cheers
> Lukas (LM_1)
> 2012/1/26 sly (sylvain letuffe) <>:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like your opinions on the following proposal :
>> You are wellcome to discuss it either by replying to this email or by
>> commenting on the wiki.
>> I'm also willing that this proposal is used, as a first step, to replace
>> which I previously proposed without public audience.
>> As a independant side note :
>> I am willing to activate the wiki voting system for this proposal as it seams
>> most relation proposals never used it and have a tendancy to evolve in a way
>> making them incompatible with their previous definitions
>> --
>> sly
>> qui suis-je :
>> email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org
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