Hi! During the voting three people stated concerns about center turn lanes being unsupported by the proposed tagging scheme. I agree that those lanes are vital for rounting, but also I consider them irrelevant to the proposal. A quote from the FAQ: "Turn lanes tags deal with the one-way part of the road (and is extendable to either parts with :forward/:backward suffixes), and center lane is a part of the whole road, not any side of it."

Also, Rickmastfan67 was kind enough to provide me with a taginfo link that shows there IS already a tag used to mark center turn lanes. center_turn_lane=yes/no is used all across US, and there are more that 400 uses of it. This tag doesn't directly affect the turn lanes proposal, but can be included into a description for navigation software authors.

I've discussed the proposal recently with Martin Vonwald (and some other people, including a Skobbler employee), and as a result there is a FAQ page, which answers most of the recurring questions. I hope it will help you understand the proposal, and maybe start using it :)


A voting is still going on, you can read the proposal and vote
at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Turn_Lanes


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