> Given that absolutely everything on the planet is accessible by at least 
> someone with the right authority, permission, ownership, special equipment, 
> etc. is there ever a need for access=no ?

As a default in combination with eg. access=no, foot=yes meaning
nothing except foot - it is easier than excluding each use
access=no alone is really not usable. Maybe for paths in places of
nuclear explosions.

2012/1/15 Ben Johnson <tangarar...@gmail.com>:
> On 13/01/2012, at 23:34, Michael Krämer <ohr...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> If you'd read what I was replying to, you'd see that I don't think
>>> access=permit would be a valid change.
>> Well, I in fact I did - being a non-native speaker I tried to answer
>> the question you've asked.
>> So either I missed some point or my answer has been ambigous. In case
>> the latter is true I'll give another try:
>> - access=yes and access=private should be pretty clear to everyone.
> Well this raises an interesting question:
> Given that absolutely everything on the planet is accessible by at least 
> someone with the right authority, permission, ownership, special equipment, 
> etc. is there ever a need for access=no ?
> BJ
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